Sunday 1 June 2014


Our sole reason to move to England was to be near to JP's family.   
They are a huge, tight, rowdy bunch.  We fit in well!  

So it is with deep deep sadness to know that the mighty matriach of the family, Ann is fighting a losing battle against that horrid, dreadful, unfair disease, cancer.  It totally pains me to even say that word.   For now, we are all spending as much time as possible together and family has never ever in it's entirety been more important than right here and now.  
And that just makes me wish that my beloved bro, Shane was closer, so we could reach out and hug. Soon, I hope....

Sombre for a Sunday evening, but here are some hilarious pics taken yesterday of cousins, Sam & William at home with the girls.  Check out Taylor's face as Matilda is jumping over them!!

They tried to get Matilda on top as well (poor dog!)

So instead, she jumped over them!

... to get the ball

But landed on Taylor and it ended in tears....

But not for long, all happy again!!!!

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