Monday 30 June 2014

Sunday 29 June 2014

Wedding of the Year

Last night, we celebrated the marriage between Thomas and Samantha.  It was held at Sam's home, and who cared if it rained a bit, we all had a brilliant time.  The girls didn't stop dancing and Tanzin was determined to catch Aunty Sam's bouquet!  We painted a 'Just Married' sign for the car, complete with the beer cans to see them off.  

Pure Love

It is with the deepest of sadness to tell you that our beloved Granny has gone to heaven.
She was our strongest family link and with the chain now broken, I just can't imagine how life will ever be the same again.  
Her 4 beautiful shetland ponies driven by John Parker from home to the church was her last wish.

"Family Chain"

We little knew that morning,
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved your dearly,
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone,
For part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.

You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide
And though we cannot see you,
You are always by our side.

Our family chain is broken
And nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again.
 Author: Ron Tranmer

Sunday 1 June 2014

It's all very English

I had a very English week last week!   First, I went on a visit with the British Australian Society, to the Queen's house, Palace in Sandringham, Norfolk.  The garden is absolutely stunning and we were fortunate to see it when the spectacular display of rhododendrons were in full bloom.  Fabulous day out with our new friends.

Next, I went to the Chelsea Flower show with the two Sue's, we had an absolute ball and for me it was a tick off the bucket list as I've always wanted to go there.  I just didn't expect 1000's of others to be there too!!!
Mobs of people at the Chelsea Flower show
The garden is at it's peak right now, and we've never worked harder than ever before on it, because on June 22nd, we have an open garden here with the Scole Gardening Club.  Haven't a clue what to expect, but will enjoy it (with a jug of Pimms) and hope for the sunshine!  
Hasta ala vista weeds! (for now!!!)


Our sole reason to move to England was to be near to JP's family.   
They are a huge, tight, rowdy bunch.  We fit in well!  

So it is with deep deep sadness to know that the mighty matriach of the family, Ann is fighting a losing battle against that horrid, dreadful, unfair disease, cancer.  It totally pains me to even say that word.   For now, we are all spending as much time as possible together and family has never ever in it's entirety been more important than right here and now.  
And that just makes me wish that my beloved bro, Shane was closer, so we could reach out and hug. Soon, I hope....

Sombre for a Sunday evening, but here are some hilarious pics taken yesterday of cousins, Sam & William at home with the girls.  Check out Taylor's face as Matilda is jumping over them!!

They tried to get Matilda on top as well (poor dog!)

So instead, she jumped over them!

... to get the ball

But landed on Taylor and it ended in tears....

But not for long, all happy again!!!!