Sunday 1 September 2013

Fruits of Labour

Mixed emotions today as we officially say goodbye to summer and hello to autumn.

Having lived in Cairns and Hong Kong for most of my life, I've never experienced an autumn until last year.  I remember just being entranced with the vibrant colours of the falling leaves.  Very whimsical!  JP on the other hand was going bonkers for conkers as he spent most of his time picking up the piles of leaves that freely fell as soon as they were collected!!  

This year the fruits have arrived a little earlier than normal because we had experienced an abnormally hot summer.   We've already harvested pears, blackberries, apples from our garden and so on this lazy Sunday day, I've made apple and blackberry jam, apple and blackberry crumble plus a pot of tomato soup. I tell ya, watch out Martha!  Belmont Grange Living magazine out soon!

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