Friday 28 June 2013

NHS School Events

Norwich Girls High has held numerous events lately as we approach the year end.  We break up on the 12th July.

Tanzin studied the Tudors and their year took a field trip to Kentwell Hall, where they all had to dress and act like poor tudors in 1559.

Tanzin devoured reading the Horrid History books by Terry Deary.  Pure genius he is.  I even enjoy reading and learning from them as well!

Tanzin and Poppy, who we do a lift share to school with.
Earlier this week was Tanzin's year 4 production of "Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat"
The show was very impressive indeed and held in the school hall.  Unfortunately due to copyright, we weren't allowed to take any vid or photos.  Tanzin played one of Joseph's brothers and was absolutely marvellous (but you knew I was going to say that!!)

Surprisingly, she wasn't too keen on the beard!!  The orange scarf was wrapped around her head.
Next up on the weekly calendar was the Norfolk Show.  The school had a day off on Wednesday so together with G&G, we spent the day there and what a huge, fun day it was.  The girls spent most of the day collecting goody bags from all the stalls!

My animals

I just adore Taylor's sparkling 'Dorothy' shoes - she wore them the whole 8 hours and never complained!!!

'Ello Bobby!

Hounds and Horses

Segway, very cool!
And finally, today (Friday)  Jaimie and Taylor's classes held their field trip at Sea Palling beach.
The tide was high, and cold, the weather was very iffy, but to it's credit, the rain held off
The kids had the time of their lives playing together, paddling in the sea, burying themselves, building sandcastles and rolling down the dunes.

Megan and Taylor

Kitty, Taylor & Saanvi

Jaimie's loveheart castles

Jaimie with her teacher, Miss Stevenson

Group piccy with Mrs Thain who will retire in two weeks 

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