Sunday 6 October 2013

Harvest Festival

I've been quick to love this busy time of year.  The vibrant colours of autumn, along with the abundance of apples and pears falling from the heavy branches of the old trees and the dewy spider webs that you see early in the morning.  Ahhh yes, but then there's the shorter days, the brisk air....

Many of my days are spent peeling, washing, cutting the fruit as I can't stand for it going to waste, but it's all worth it when you get to sit down at the table to enjoy it.
Being a new AGA lover, I've loved experimenting in the kitchen with stewing, compoting, juicing, baking and jamming in every which way I can!

Girls at our play park just behind our house

Conkers, crab apples, pears and apples

Squirrels love, acorns

I always feel like I'm in heaven when I visit the green house with these fat, juicy red grapes

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