Wednesday 25 September 2013

New School Year

Back into the new school year.   Tanzin is now in Year 5, Taylor in Year 3 and Jaimie is in Kinder.  Somehow, homework has exploded this year and that's times 3!  

Tanzin & Taylor have started hockey on Friday night, playing for the Harelston Magpies.
They are really getting into it and Tanzin came home tonight proudly saying she was picked for the school team (which she will play this Friday against another school).

Saturday mornings are now taken up with ballet in Eye.  
They have been dancing at the HKFC since they were two, but the ballet they're doing now is very proper and although serious, the girls are genuinely loving it and actually doing really well.

For Taylor, it's about her pretty teacher, the gorgeous costume and 'clip clop' shoes she gets to wear during a couple of routines.

For Tanzin, she is with a close friend of hers and is in Grade 3 and lordy knows how she is keeping up, but my word it's astonishing at how grown up and beautiful she looks.

For Jaimie, it's all about flying through the air and desperately wanting to dance on her tippy toes. (just like Barbie of course!)  She doesn't stop smiling.   

I must get some photos for next week's post, I know you'll love them!

More fun on the Grange

We have truly loved, loved, loved sharing this summer with friends from all over the world.
We know we're off the beaten track and are so appreciative when friends do come to stay.  (hint, hint!)

A few weeks back, my childhood friends, Lou and Neilo came to visit.  The weather was stunning to show off the Norfolk broads, walks to the pub, strolls around villages.

At the same time, my cousin's daughter, Madison and her boyfriend Mark also came from the top of England to us for a crazy visit of one night, but we made the most of it and it was just beaut to share some lovely time together, sitting by the fire and chatting way into the night.

It doesn't stop there... good buddies from HK, who are American and live in Shanghai, huh?  have just left us after a couple of fun days with them.  Capt Tickle (aka David) and Alison have two small knights who wish to marry their princesses, Tanzin, Taylor and Jaimie.

Supps at the Fox & Goose, Fressingfield.  Divine!

Norfolk Broads, cider in hand on our way to the Rising Sun, Coltishall

The ruins of St Marys Church is literally at the back of our house

Aunt Lou Lou

Neil, Lou and his best friend, Matilda!

Niece, 2nd cousin removed, friend, Madison!  


Last week, I snuck away with a bunch of gorgeously fun girls to Menorca, Spain.
It was 5 days of pure indulgence on food, drink, sleep... and repeat.  

Guess what?  I jumped from the top!  Do something scary each day!!!

Jane, Niki, Moi, Nancy, Susie & Miranda
Dirty girls on tour.  Blurred memory on what that drink is!  Cava Sangria??

Our bay 

View from our balcony

Lazy days are the best days

Sunday 1 September 2013

Fruits of Labour

Mixed emotions today as we officially say goodbye to summer and hello to autumn.

Having lived in Cairns and Hong Kong for most of my life, I've never experienced an autumn until last year.  I remember just being entranced with the vibrant colours of the falling leaves.  Very whimsical!  JP on the other hand was going bonkers for conkers as he spent most of his time picking up the piles of leaves that freely fell as soon as they were collected!!  

This year the fruits have arrived a little earlier than normal because we had experienced an abnormally hot summer.   We've already harvested pears, blackberries, apples from our garden and so on this lazy Sunday day, I've made apple and blackberry jam, apple and blackberry crumble plus a pot of tomato soup. I tell ya, watch out Martha!  Belmont Grange Living magazine out soon!