Wednesday 22 May 2013

Oot and aboot in Norfolk

We went for a drive today to Lowestoft which is on the seaside and also a wander around Beccles.


Its the coldest May they've ever had since the early 60's.  Typical!
We had an awful shock the other night, Dad hasn't been well and had to go to the Docs to ease his cough and rid of the bronchistis.  I woke at 1am on Sat night to hear him struggling for breath.  JP quickly took him up to the Norwich hospital and they kept him in till the following day.  I'm pleased to say that he is on the mend and today we are going exploring in the car.

Here's some more shots.  Taylor was inducted into Brownies last Monday.  She's a proud bunny.  They do so many fun activities.  Last Monday they had a campfire.

Nanny & Poppy took Tanzin to London on the train a couple of Saturdays ago to the theatre to see "Singing in the Rain"

These sweet little flowers are EVERYWHERE and the blossom has fallen off the trees making it look like a carpet of confetti.

Blossom, undoubtedly my favourite flower

My beautiful big T

Off to London

Happy Dayz

The weeks are flying by, especially during Spring when the garden is needy and requires constant love and attention!   It's a wonderful surprise when you see a new bulb, flower or herb burst out.  We even discovered a patch of asparagus, which tasted delicious!

Below are some photos from the past few weeks.
Jaimie is into princesses at the moment as they are learning about 'Mini Beasts' which somehow has something to do with "Princess and the frog'  Yeah I didn't quite get it either, but she looks cute!
She has her assembly tomorrow, where the class will put on a play that they've been busy rehearsing.  Jaimie is the Narrator.

Next up is my 5km run in the Race for Life which I did with a group of ladies I've been doing pilates with.  They are a very inspiring bunch of girls.  Niki, our leader has been battling Parkinson since she was 22.  She ran the whole way.  I ran with Susie, who we discovered lived in HK (right beside BBG) in '87 and knows the same group of people that we do.  Oh it's such a small world!!!
I'm now on a running high (which won't last long) but I'm going to do it for as long as I can (and Matilda loves to run beside me and chase the rabbits!)

Our new purchase from Gazes!  

The Hell Yes motley crew!  Tanzin & Taylor will run with me next year

Thank God I passed B1 & B2!

Saturday 11 May 2013

Bring out the Barbie!

It was the best feeling to invite our friends over for a barbie last Saturday afternoon.  
Am planning/hoping/praying on many more of those lazy days in the sunshine. 

First BBQ of the year!  

Playing under the sprinkler

Friday 10 May 2013

Nanny & Poppy

Mum and Dad are here, living the country life.  Getting stuck into the garden, and into the daily routine.
Here's a snap shot of what we've been up to in the past 5 weeks before they sadly return on the 31st May.
Jaimie with her Poppy
Day out on the Norfolk broads

Norfolk Broads

Punting along the Cam River in Cambridge

The Castle in York

Just chilling at a bar in York

Pretty as a Tudor picture

The Three Tuns

Shopping in the Shambles, York

York Minster

The shortest stree with the biggest name

York Wall

3 mile walk around the city wall

Friends and Anniversarys...

JP and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary.  10 years!
With Mum and Dad here to look after the kiddies, we escaped to London to help Marie celebrate her 40th birthday!   Marie and Dill are x-HKers like us, so it was more than wonderful to see them again, catch up and PARTY!!

Marie, Dill, her sister, Karen and partner, Chris and us two lovebirds

Lunching at Nobu, London

There's that same glass of champas again!

Daffodils and Tulips

The flowers are out and we are in bulb heaven.  It's been amazing watching the the flowers emerge as I take Matilda around the field every morning.  First the snowdrops, then the daffodils came in the hundreds.  The girls took this opportunity to cut and sell them on the side of the road for one pound a bunch.  Guess how many they sold?  23!!   5 star effort!!

And here are some other pretty flowers that are too irrisitable for me not to take their photo...